Saturday, January 6, 2007

fit one

this is the second time i've tried blogging on this site. i set up another account and now i can't get back in it. this one is pretty much the same, just a different email.
we'll see if this one works.
anyway, i had to go to the hospital last night. my ic was acting up. i was in so much pain. they pumped me full of morphine, did a load of tests and x-rays and nothing new showed up. i'm so tired of feeling bad all the time. oh, the doctor did say he thinks i have a spastic colon. he sent me home with percocet and told me to follow up with my regular doctor. i was there for at least six hours. thank god i'm seeing doctor long in a few days. he'll be sending me my pain meds.
i'm also so tired of bitching about everything. it seems that all i talk about is how bad i feel. i'm sure i'm a hoot to be around.
today is garys birthday. i got him some shoes and a pair of jeans, but i forgot to wish him a happy birthday this morning. my memory is terrible. i knew his birthday was today i just forgot. damn.i hope i didn't hurt his little feelings.
oh, last night wheni was in the er, the emt called lance for me, he talked to him, but i never heard another thing from him. i know he asked if i was there for a migraine because i heard the emt say "no, abdominal pain". i can't believe he never even called me back. that's odd for my brother. i'm sure nikki had something to do with it. i think we're going to have problems. i can feel it.
J.w. came to my door again this morning. i actually like talking to them. he's bringing his wife next week. i think he feels more comfortable having a woman come talk to me. gary's not interested. to me, it's someone to talk to. i never have anyone to talk to but gary. i don't see myself being a J.w. but it is nice to have someone to talk with. i'm still stewing about lance not calling me back. i tried calling today to. no answer. well, i don't really have anything interesting to say as everyone can see so i'm going to go jump in the shower and get dressed and then possibly clean my house. i really wish i could drive.there's so much i'd like to do. i want to take yoga and i'd like to ge back to school. i need $3000 to get my licence back. it may as well be $30,000. i don't have it. gary said the reason he hasn't helped me get them back is because he's afraid i'll dissappear. i know i wouldn't, i'd have to be stupid. after all i have been though. i don't think so. babye.

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